Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Callaway Patriots Speak

From the Heartland, Margot McMillen writes: Overheard at the meeting of the Tea Party Patriots, my fellow countians speak: First voice: So our land, that we paid for and pay taxes on, isn't really our own? If it's for "the greater good" it can be taken away? Second voice: Apparently. First voice: Isn't that what Hitler did? Or, how about: So we're under at least four kinds of government. Federal. State. County. World. Is that right? Or, here's another one: Speaker: Now, I don't live in the blighted area... Crowd: Boo... My favorite: What you guys really need to do, if you want people to come to town, is make it easy. When I haul my stock trailer, I can hardly make that left turn at the corner of Wood Street and Highway Z. And then, when I get to the roundabout, well, it's just about impossible . . .

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